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Monday 24 September 2012

HP Lovecraft festival & The Bondage Puppet Theatre

This morning i have been out doing my usual sim hopping thing, last night in the SL press i came across an advert about a HP Lovecraft festival going on and i straight away very excited about it as ive always been a big fan of HP Lovecraft's works and i was interested to see what the festival had to offer.  I waited until this morning, hoping to find someone to drag along but it seemed everyone was sleeping so i got changed and headed over.  It's a small but very well done event with the sort of freak-show id have expected, the spooky circus/fairground with beautiful lanterns and shady trees set againt the dusk windlights.

I found quite a few stores that sold all kinds of oddities, interesting deformed alien avatars, twisted mesh eyes, various tentacle related stuffs.  The place had a very nice feel about it, you could almost smell the popcorn and cotton candy and hear the sounds of the machinery going round behind the tinkly spooky fairground music.  I explored it extensively and even sat down in the tarot card reading tent, although it seemed to be me doing the reading to an empty seat.  They had a beautiful clumsily put-together theatre and outside there was an advertisement for a show id unfortunately missed, some odd magician who would have undoubtedly pulled off some really weird shit.
From huge random circus elephants to tiny dancing monkey's, this event had it all, id have loved it to have been much bigger and had more to explore but it was a good way to kill an hour.

The Bondage Puppet Theatre

Whilst at the festival i had some across a mind control stall, whilst this was interesting in itself i became more interested in the landmark that had come with it to a RP sim called 'The Bondage Puppet Theatre Presents The Mad House' So i thought once i was done id go over and take a look and lets say, i was pleasantly surprised!
Some of the best places i believe you come across by mistake and this sim is no exception.
First off, as it said on the label, it is a place unsuitable for minors, it's a sexual RP sim based on all the women there being puppets or dolls, it seems by the back story that at some point they were human but then got turned into submissive female puppets/dolls.
Unlike many sims you have to apply to be a RP'er there, but it is open to the general public to explore and use what's there.
The sim is very much urban, but very much vintage urban, like 1920's style. On entering the sim you can make your way towards the buidling across the street from the 'Bijou Bijou' Theatre, in this building you can do all the necessaries like join the group and check out the various landmarks, pick up rules and so. 
The first place i checked out was the theatre and i loved it, it was so old fashioned and old worldy  with its plush red theatre seats and wooden stage. I made my way out and looked around the streets, making my way over the bridge to what looked like an old manor house, i wasnt really sure i was meant to be there but i had a nosey anyway.  It was a large house fronted by wrought iron gates & a misty courtyard, i didnt get a chance to look inside as i noticed there were people in there (Monty Python 'Wink wink') but i will go back another time and have a look around.
So they have all the basics of a small town, police station, barbers, candy shop, theatre and so seems that the place is a capture/RP sim yet im not entirely sure how that works there, they do state in the rules though that owned submissives are not to be poached and that has to be respected.
It was quiet when i was there, i wondered what it would be like when more busy, it's a different kind of RP place that i found quite appealing so maybe i might drop back there one day with a few friends and see what happens...but do go over and have a look!

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