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Wednesday 12 September 2012

Best Friends

It's a promise...not a label

I never claimed to be the best at everything in my life, i never said that i was perfect and never made mistakes, in fact i constantly fuck up because im human and that's what we do. Ive learnt harsh lessons in life, trusted too deeply and too fast. loved carelessly and given up on things too fast.  Ive allowed other people to sway my opinions on people, i have ignored advice and then got angry at the 'told you so' 
Ive pushed away people i love, ive got close to people i shouldn't have, ive thought to in depth about things and missed the point.  Ive forgotten to read between the lines, failed to see the writing on the wall.
Ive been a bad influence, an even worse girlfriend at times. Sometimes i am my very own worst enemy and beat myself up and push myself around over things that probably should be quite simple.
I've got involved with the worst types of people, ive chased the wrong kinds of boys and left the good guys behind wondering the the hell is going on in my head...I am human, this is what we do.

But there is one thing in my life that i don't compromise, My Friends.
Each and every person that has touched my life leaves a lasting impression on me. People i take into my heart and call friend are the ones who make the biggest imprint on me, never to be erased.
I could never imagine a time that i would lie or cheat my best friends, i cannot bare the idea of someone being hurt over something i did to them, someone being disappointed in me, nothing is worth that.
Each of my friends have taught me valuable lessons along the way, lessons that i turn into positive things and try to use it to shape my life and experiences with new people. 
 Sometimes things happen, people listen to other peoples opinions and stories, form judgements, get angry or jealous...all human emotions and we learn from it, they are not blatant betrayals...just mistakes we all make, we get misguided, bogged down by what our peers think we should be doing or saying, we all look at situations and say 'Well i'm pretty sure THAT shouldn't be happening' ...but just talk to each other, be honest and open, if you are angry...if you are sorry, make sure you really ARE sorry...but just communicate because the bond between two friends is a very special thing. 

Breaking up with a friend 

Friendships are like any other relationship and sometimes, just sometimes something happens and the damage it causes goes well beyond repair. This is one of the hardest things ive found to deal with in SL...
Having to make that decision to cut someone out of your life to me is worse than breaking up with a partner.
Girls who form close friendships have a set of unwritten rules and boundaries, they are there...and we know them.  Sometimes things happen, mistakes are made...sometimes you just can't look at that person in the same way again and the endless hours of support and comfort, good times, the laughs and the problems shared all seem like a huge waste of time and bitterness sets in.
The hurt i have felt from being betrayed by a friend has always been far worse than anything else.
But sometimes the trust is gone and you need to move on.

1 comment:

  1. Its so every the true and yet the lesson I learned is that no matter how much you reminder yourself, you will still repeat the mistakes you made over and over. Its all about being human.

    I truly treasure our friendship and that is also why certain things I would rather be kept to myself and be unhappy about it then to share it because I know how things will affect you and upset you. Just want you to know that whatever I do, I did it for you. Forgive my silent and coldness sometimes.

    Always your BFF, but I hope I would not be replaced. SERIOUSLY.


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