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Friday 21 September 2012


  Her mother had named her 'Wandering Flower' her inquisitiveness and curious nature had often got her into trouble as a child, simple things such as wandering off in a supermarket to look at the pretty Koi fish that swam delicately in the cool pool in the small shady yard through the west exit of the marketplace.  she would sit there crossed legged, poking a small pale finger into the water and watching the fish dart too and fro, cautiously dabbing their fragile lips against her finger for a moment and then swimming off with a flick of their crimson tail.
   She never felt any fear being alone in a strange place, in many ways she found it perfectly normal and would always furrow her brow in confusion when she saw the flash of her mother dashing towards her, her face angry and concerned all at the same time, before she could explain to her mother that all is fine...she would feel the vice grip on her arm, her small feet almost lifting from the floor as she is dragged back to where she is supposed to be, her mothers voice babbling incoherently about her being a 'silly girl' and how worried she had been, words about 'bad men'...all Flower could do was sigh wistfully and go along with her daily life.
  When Flower was seven, she got lost. It had been a week of rain, the skies had been a thunderous grey and the earth was sodden, water rivets ran down every sidewalk, flowing across interchanges, everywhere figures chased their feet in the sloshing downpour, their hoods pulled tightly over their heads, umbrellas up...
She had sat in the car, in the back seat, gazing from the window.
  She sleepily watched the raindrops chase each other down the glass, gobbling each other up on their journey down, the lights of the streets were blurred, making a almost artwork of colours and patterns on the window, she stared at them carefully, her eyes half-closing and opening, her parents mumbled quietly in the front of the car, talking about random things, she could hear her mothers slightly more irritated tone and the low chuckle of her father. 
  Soon the car slowed down and came to a halt and her father got out of the car, the door closed with a dull clunk and it became silent.
Flower opened her eyes, blinking, she wiped away the condensation from the window and peered out into the rainy evening...service station. She glanced forwards and saw her mothers head still, her breathing was deep and steady which indicated she had fallen alseep.  Flowers eyes darted back out of the window when something caught her eye...something shiny reflected against the dark of the night, she squinted through the window to try and get a better look.
 Rubbing furiously with her little hand on the glass...she saw her father through the large illuminated window of the service station, handing over money, two bags of candy in his hand, laughing with the woman behind the counter...and again suddenly her eyes drifted back over to the dark hill behind the building, something flashing in different colours, much like a small firework.
  Flower looked for a long time, her eyes looking back at her father, who was still laughing and smiling with the pretty woman in the shop. She moved her legs, twisting her body and unclipping her seatbelt...she leant forwards and grabbed her little yellow umbrella, stuffing it under her arm she crawled into the front seat and opened the driver car door, jumping out into the rain, carefully clinking it closed behind her.
She stood outside the car, flicking her umbrella open and she trotted across the road and along the sidewalk. sucking in a breath at how cold it was outside, but she cared not, her eyes were fixed on the flashing light and she made her way quickly towards it, splashing aimlessly through puddles, her little figure dashing through the darkness, sensing no danger at all. She travelled lightly around the back of the service station and stood at the foot of the hill, squinting her eyes in the rain...

He sat in the darkness, his eyes low on the ground...the rain ran over him, his clothing and hair was soaked through, it ran down his face. running from the hair that was slicked to his brow and dripping from his nose.  A long time ago he had ceased to know which were raindrops and which were tears... in his hand he held an LCD ball which he had been throwing into the air, watching it land back in his hand, the colours flashing delightfully before him..
  he had bought it for her...she loved colourful things, never a woman for expensive perfumes or pricey shoes...a simple woman with a penance for simple and unusual trinkets.
He glanced up onto the horizon through the downpour, the blinking lights of the city spread out before him and every thought that entered his head were of her...but she was gone...
He felt his face crumple again, he raised his fingers to his forehead, lowering his head once more, sobbing like a child. He took several deep and gaspy breaths and stood up straight, his face contorted in pain he strolled quickly fowards, his feet slapping in the mud...then he heard a small voice that made him stop dead in his tracks.
'Can i have a play with that ball Mr?'
He stopped and stood perfectly still, his mouth open, his chest rising and falling, his eyes flickered to the side and forth at the sound of the sudden small voice, at that point the torrid rain slowed down...he turned around.
Before him a little girl stood, she was on the small pathway, a little yellow umbrella was above her, matching her creamy yellow wellies, she was looking at him with innocence and curiosity all at the same time. 
He steadied his breathing, not being able to believe what had just happened...he gave her an astounded and confused look, wiping his long blonde hair from his eyes...
'Little girl' he said 'Why are you here? where are your parents?' 
The child shrugged, her eyes fixed in awe to the colourful toy he held in his hand, she smiled at it and this added to his confusion. Blindly she suddenly took several steps towards him and he panicked, holding up his hands to her suddenly, making her stop in her tracks,
 'No! don't move...stay there...its dangerous here' he said sharply.  The little girl pouted and peered beyond him at the edge of a sharp drop, below there was a busy highway.
She tilted her head...'Sir why are you crying?' she said carefully, his heart sunk...
He looked at her and she was looking right at him.  The rain had stopped, finally after what seemed like forever and the sun was starting to rise over the silohette of the city, warming his skin as he shivered in the muggy air.
'Little girl' he said in a soft voice 'You should be with your parents, not up here alone with me'
She shrugged again, 'It's okay' she said 'Momma is sleeping and Daddy is talking to the pretty lady...they wont even notice that i'm gone'
He furrowed his brow...
'I tell you what...can i make a deal with you?' he said, he watched her smile and nod, he held out the colourful ball towards her and watched her face light up in glee, 'You can have this now...but you must come with me and show me which way to your family'

To be continued... 

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