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Sunday 30 September 2012

Getting Cosy

                                            Lola Loves...

Hair @ [e] Studio
Skin @ Pink Fuel Kumi Peach
Lashes @ Redgrave Diamond Dust
Eyeliner @ Pekka 
Shirt & Jumper @ Cold Logic Farell Latte
Watch Locket @ Delicous Tic Tac_Golden
Nails @ Mandala Medium
Shorts @ Mon Tissu
Shoes @ N-Core Tribute Autome

Saturday 29 September 2012

Nautical Nonsense

Top Tee*fy Tucked Tank (Mesh)
Shorts @ Tee*fy Abbey Highwaisted Short (Mesh)
Shoes @ N'Core Cathy Pumps
Necklace @ [Ey:No] Anchor Necklace
Ring @ Delicious Papillon Ring
Upper arm bracelet @ [Ey:No] Mess Bangles
Bag @ Pesca Shoulder bag/Rudder Navy
Hair @ Truth Demi
Eyes @ Mayfly Mountain Lake (Mesh)

Friday 28 September 2012

Lola Loves Casual

In love with clothing this week, new outfit for my real life birthday yesterday & now new outfit for Lolapop :)
When kind of artsy with the picture but you can see the general of what i was going for, very simple, casual & stylish.  The shoes i bought were one of those 'Must have' moments, they come with a hud that enables you to change the colours on each part of the shoe, which is perfect for me.

Shoes Redgrave ' Cathy *MESH shoes
Jeans Maitreya zippy skinny jeans *MESH*
Bag Maitreya Leather Satchel *MESH*
Sweater -tb- Preppy *MESH*

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Nightfall Lions Stadium

Hopping about today i came across the Second Life Nightfall Lions football stadium. It seems they are an active football team that play matches across the grid and i must say, i was really impressed with their home team stadium! 
It's set on the Nightfall sim and not only has a wonderfully made arena but also there is a shopping mall to help with your shopping addiction as well as your sporty addiction! It's a beautifully made and good quality sim with some of SL's best stores such as Hoorenbeek, HollyWeird & Thirteenth...
I had a great time just looking around and i took some pics along the way too.

Of course i grabbed the opportunity to throw on some sporty clothes and get into theme, PLUS gave me the PERFECT excuse to buy the trainers ive been after for the past week and drooling over.
You can't see them so well in the picture but i have included a full sized snap of them. They were expensive but i use the excuse that the fact it comes with a HUD that changes them to pretty much any colour you like, and they are mesh...i wont have to buy another pair again (but knowing me i probably will)
But much love to the maker and happy droolings...

Shoes: 2Real STACKZ “NEW”


Monday 24 September 2012

The Warmth On Your Skin

Peaceful Moments

If i could be anything i want
Id be the warmth on your skin
Sitting curled in your lap, your strong arms around me
Protecting and reassuring 
The distant drums beat in perfect harmony
The sky is close and slightly obscured by the brow of the hills
But i am here with you
Your warmth on your skin.

I climb to the top of the highest pillar
You take your warrior soul to pillage
Your bow in hand you stride with confidence
leaping the foothills and greenery
Landing with precision...
I watch from my space, flowing from daydream to reality
Rubbing the loose grass from my legs & heaving a sigh

The village is alive with the sounds of the hunt
On the last days of September, soon Autumn will come
Shredding away the last days of summer
We will rejoice, us...and them...
and in your arms i hope to remain
The Warmth on your skin.  

HP Lovecraft festival & The Bondage Puppet Theatre

This morning i have been out doing my usual sim hopping thing, last night in the SL press i came across an advert about a HP Lovecraft festival going on and i straight away very excited about it as ive always been a big fan of HP Lovecraft's works and i was interested to see what the festival had to offer.  I waited until this morning, hoping to find someone to drag along but it seemed everyone was sleeping so i got changed and headed over.  It's a small but very well done event with the sort of freak-show id have expected, the spooky circus/fairground with beautiful lanterns and shady trees set againt the dusk windlights.

I found quite a few stores that sold all kinds of oddities, interesting deformed alien avatars, twisted mesh eyes, various tentacle related stuffs.  The place had a very nice feel about it, you could almost smell the popcorn and cotton candy and hear the sounds of the machinery going round behind the tinkly spooky fairground music.  I explored it extensively and even sat down in the tarot card reading tent, although it seemed to be me doing the reading to an empty seat.  They had a beautiful clumsily put-together theatre and outside there was an advertisement for a show id unfortunately missed, some odd magician who would have undoubtedly pulled off some really weird shit.
From huge random circus elephants to tiny dancing monkey's, this event had it all, id have loved it to have been much bigger and had more to explore but it was a good way to kill an hour.

The Bondage Puppet Theatre

Whilst at the festival i had some across a mind control stall, whilst this was interesting in itself i became more interested in the landmark that had come with it to a RP sim called 'The Bondage Puppet Theatre Presents The Mad House' So i thought once i was done id go over and take a look and lets say, i was pleasantly surprised!
Some of the best places i believe you come across by mistake and this sim is no exception.
First off, as it said on the label, it is a place unsuitable for minors, it's a sexual RP sim based on all the women there being puppets or dolls, it seems by the back story that at some point they were human but then got turned into submissive female puppets/dolls.
Unlike many sims you have to apply to be a RP'er there, but it is open to the general public to explore and use what's there.
The sim is very much urban, but very much vintage urban, like 1920's style. On entering the sim you can make your way towards the buidling across the street from the 'Bijou Bijou' Theatre, in this building you can do all the necessaries like join the group and check out the various landmarks, pick up rules and so. 
The first place i checked out was the theatre and i loved it, it was so old fashioned and old worldy  with its plush red theatre seats and wooden stage. I made my way out and looked around the streets, making my way over the bridge to what looked like an old manor house, i wasnt really sure i was meant to be there but i had a nosey anyway.  It was a large house fronted by wrought iron gates & a misty courtyard, i didnt get a chance to look inside as i noticed there were people in there (Monty Python 'Wink wink') but i will go back another time and have a look around.
So they have all the basics of a small town, police station, barbers, candy shop, theatre and so seems that the place is a capture/RP sim yet im not entirely sure how that works there, they do state in the rules though that owned submissives are not to be poached and that has to be respected.
It was quiet when i was there, i wondered what it would be like when more busy, it's a different kind of RP place that i found quite appealing so maybe i might drop back there one day with a few friends and see what happens...but do go over and have a look!

Sunday 23 September 2012


Like a lost soul I searched frantically,
To find someone, anyone,
But it was as if the fairground was deserted somehow.

The rides had been left abandoned,
The merry go round moved slowly by itself,
Eerie Halloween music could be heard from the ghost train.

I closed my eyes if only I hadn't wandered off,
If only I had done as I was told,
I wouldn't be here alone,
Out in the cold.

(Extract of poem by Heera Mullins)

Lola Loves...

I decided today to put together some outfits from all the various bits i have been buying this past week in SL.
I went over to Vilenna Shopping District to check out the sales there & decided to take some snap shots along the way. This week i have been over to Collarbr8 before the end of their season and i picked up this adorable tulip dress in burnt orange, this is the first chance ive had to wear it and i put it on with my sexy high heeled pumps from N-Core & new TRUTH hair.  The dress was a snip bargain at 88L and i love it, it fits more than perfectly & i can think of tons of things i could team it with. So get on over to Collarbr8 as soon as possible and check out all the other cute things they have on offer :D


Hair *NEW* @ TRUTH 
Dress 'Suri' @ COLLARBR8
Shoes 'Coquette platform pumps' @ N-CORE

Friday 21 September 2012


  Her mother had named her 'Wandering Flower' her inquisitiveness and curious nature had often got her into trouble as a child, simple things such as wandering off in a supermarket to look at the pretty Koi fish that swam delicately in the cool pool in the small shady yard through the west exit of the marketplace.  she would sit there crossed legged, poking a small pale finger into the water and watching the fish dart too and fro, cautiously dabbing their fragile lips against her finger for a moment and then swimming off with a flick of their crimson tail.
   She never felt any fear being alone in a strange place, in many ways she found it perfectly normal and would always furrow her brow in confusion when she saw the flash of her mother dashing towards her, her face angry and concerned all at the same time, before she could explain to her mother that all is fine...she would feel the vice grip on her arm, her small feet almost lifting from the floor as she is dragged back to where she is supposed to be, her mothers voice babbling incoherently about her being a 'silly girl' and how worried she had been, words about 'bad men'...all Flower could do was sigh wistfully and go along with her daily life.
  When Flower was seven, she got lost. It had been a week of rain, the skies had been a thunderous grey and the earth was sodden, water rivets ran down every sidewalk, flowing across interchanges, everywhere figures chased their feet in the sloshing downpour, their hoods pulled tightly over their heads, umbrellas up...
She had sat in the car, in the back seat, gazing from the window.
  She sleepily watched the raindrops chase each other down the glass, gobbling each other up on their journey down, the lights of the streets were blurred, making a almost artwork of colours and patterns on the window, she stared at them carefully, her eyes half-closing and opening, her parents mumbled quietly in the front of the car, talking about random things, she could hear her mothers slightly more irritated tone and the low chuckle of her father. 
  Soon the car slowed down and came to a halt and her father got out of the car, the door closed with a dull clunk and it became silent.
Flower opened her eyes, blinking, she wiped away the condensation from the window and peered out into the rainy evening...service station. She glanced forwards and saw her mothers head still, her breathing was deep and steady which indicated she had fallen alseep.  Flowers eyes darted back out of the window when something caught her eye...something shiny reflected against the dark of the night, she squinted through the window to try and get a better look.
 Rubbing furiously with her little hand on the glass...she saw her father through the large illuminated window of the service station, handing over money, two bags of candy in his hand, laughing with the woman behind the counter...and again suddenly her eyes drifted back over to the dark hill behind the building, something flashing in different colours, much like a small firework.
  Flower looked for a long time, her eyes looking back at her father, who was still laughing and smiling with the pretty woman in the shop. She moved her legs, twisting her body and unclipping her seatbelt...she leant forwards and grabbed her little yellow umbrella, stuffing it under her arm she crawled into the front seat and opened the driver car door, jumping out into the rain, carefully clinking it closed behind her.
She stood outside the car, flicking her umbrella open and she trotted across the road and along the sidewalk. sucking in a breath at how cold it was outside, but she cared not, her eyes were fixed on the flashing light and she made her way quickly towards it, splashing aimlessly through puddles, her little figure dashing through the darkness, sensing no danger at all. She travelled lightly around the back of the service station and stood at the foot of the hill, squinting her eyes in the rain...

He sat in the darkness, his eyes low on the ground...the rain ran over him, his clothing and hair was soaked through, it ran down his face. running from the hair that was slicked to his brow and dripping from his nose.  A long time ago he had ceased to know which were raindrops and which were tears... in his hand he held an LCD ball which he had been throwing into the air, watching it land back in his hand, the colours flashing delightfully before him..
  he had bought it for her...she loved colourful things, never a woman for expensive perfumes or pricey shoes...a simple woman with a penance for simple and unusual trinkets.
He glanced up onto the horizon through the downpour, the blinking lights of the city spread out before him and every thought that entered his head were of her...but she was gone...
He felt his face crumple again, he raised his fingers to his forehead, lowering his head once more, sobbing like a child. He took several deep and gaspy breaths and stood up straight, his face contorted in pain he strolled quickly fowards, his feet slapping in the mud...then he heard a small voice that made him stop dead in his tracks.
'Can i have a play with that ball Mr?'
He stopped and stood perfectly still, his mouth open, his chest rising and falling, his eyes flickered to the side and forth at the sound of the sudden small voice, at that point the torrid rain slowed down...he turned around.
Before him a little girl stood, she was on the small pathway, a little yellow umbrella was above her, matching her creamy yellow wellies, she was looking at him with innocence and curiosity all at the same time. 
He steadied his breathing, not being able to believe what had just happened...he gave her an astounded and confused look, wiping his long blonde hair from his eyes...
'Little girl' he said 'Why are you here? where are your parents?' 
The child shrugged, her eyes fixed in awe to the colourful toy he held in his hand, she smiled at it and this added to his confusion. Blindly she suddenly took several steps towards him and he panicked, holding up his hands to her suddenly, making her stop in her tracks,
 'No! don't move...stay there...its dangerous here' he said sharply.  The little girl pouted and peered beyond him at the edge of a sharp drop, below there was a busy highway.
She tilted her head...'Sir why are you crying?' she said carefully, his heart sunk...
He looked at her and she was looking right at him.  The rain had stopped, finally after what seemed like forever and the sun was starting to rise over the silohette of the city, warming his skin as he shivered in the muggy air.
'Little girl' he said in a soft voice 'You should be with your parents, not up here alone with me'
She shrugged again, 'It's okay' she said 'Momma is sleeping and Daddy is talking to the pretty lady...they wont even notice that i'm gone'
He furrowed his brow...
'I tell you what...can i make a deal with you?' he said, he watched her smile and nod, he held out the colourful ball towards her and watched her face light up in glee, 'You can have this now...but you must come with me and show me which way to your family'

To be continued... 

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Delish Shoppings!

Today was shopping day! and even more importantly "The Arcade" Gacha Festival which is one of my absolute favourite things to do in SL <3 I loved this one in particular as it reminds me of good the old british seaside, set on the pier with fairground music playing through out, there were at least 50 different designer gacha there ranging between 25L to 50L.  I picked up some of the cutest little buys including a really smart Kata0nik watch limited edition.  I also got a really cute Chifon mesh blouse which i will model in an attatching post to this, along with a few other of my buys.
Get yourselves a long to this event before it finishes. 
The outside of the event

Inside the main shipping hall

Some of the cute gacha

Mmmm hotdogs...and they did actually look really tasty!


Reflecting...but not worried about 'overspending'

The Pier 

Monday 17 September 2012

The Volatile Silence

He is close, yet so far
He drifts aimlessly though my fields of vision
Being there close & then standing on some horizon
He talks to me quietly and asks simple questions
I sail close and his huge wall is thrown up
I smile and he looks away.

Sometimes i feel i disappoint him
 feeling maybe i have not been the person i could have been
His aura echoes around me when i feel him close
His dark and closed loneliness
He saves no kind words for me
Chooses no time to caress my nature

When you want to know a person
But they push you away
You ask too many questions
Assume too many things.
We walk the same long and dark beach
On other sides of the ocean
Our streets are both dark and lit in a dim hue
Yet we cross past each other with hardly  a greeting.

Saturday 15 September 2012

A Strong Woman

A Strong Woman

Is one who feels deeply & loves fiercely
Her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter
She is both soft & Powerful
She is both practical & spiritual

A Strong Woman...

In her essence is a gift to the world   

Thursday 13 September 2012

Girly Night Out

Today i dragged my lil bestie Rinka out clubbing to Big Daddies, it's an 80's club in SL and its always fun, the music is cheesy and the people are friendly.  It's always good to get away from it all, stick on some heels, chuck your hand bag down and just work it to really bad...but ever so gooood music *Laughs*
It was just what we needed, we danced, joked and threw edible objects at the male bouncer...and brownies honour, we NEVER tried to undress him... Look, see him there in the background, all fully dressed.
Had a great time today, it was nice to have some one to one with time just kicking back and not worrying about stuffs, something we don't do often, but really should do.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Happy Days!

Enough said.

Best Friends

It's a promise...not a label

I never claimed to be the best at everything in my life, i never said that i was perfect and never made mistakes, in fact i constantly fuck up because im human and that's what we do. Ive learnt harsh lessons in life, trusted too deeply and too fast. loved carelessly and given up on things too fast.  Ive allowed other people to sway my opinions on people, i have ignored advice and then got angry at the 'told you so' 
Ive pushed away people i love, ive got close to people i shouldn't have, ive thought to in depth about things and missed the point.  Ive forgotten to read between the lines, failed to see the writing on the wall.
Ive been a bad influence, an even worse girlfriend at times. Sometimes i am my very own worst enemy and beat myself up and push myself around over things that probably should be quite simple.
I've got involved with the worst types of people, ive chased the wrong kinds of boys and left the good guys behind wondering the the hell is going on in my head...I am human, this is what we do.

But there is one thing in my life that i don't compromise, My Friends.
Each and every person that has touched my life leaves a lasting impression on me. People i take into my heart and call friend are the ones who make the biggest imprint on me, never to be erased.
I could never imagine a time that i would lie or cheat my best friends, i cannot bare the idea of someone being hurt over something i did to them, someone being disappointed in me, nothing is worth that.
Each of my friends have taught me valuable lessons along the way, lessons that i turn into positive things and try to use it to shape my life and experiences with new people. 
 Sometimes things happen, people listen to other peoples opinions and stories, form judgements, get angry or jealous...all human emotions and we learn from it, they are not blatant betrayals...just mistakes we all make, we get misguided, bogged down by what our peers think we should be doing or saying, we all look at situations and say 'Well i'm pretty sure THAT shouldn't be happening' ...but just talk to each other, be honest and open, if you are angry...if you are sorry, make sure you really ARE sorry...but just communicate because the bond between two friends is a very special thing. 

Breaking up with a friend 

Friendships are like any other relationship and sometimes, just sometimes something happens and the damage it causes goes well beyond repair. This is one of the hardest things ive found to deal with in SL...
Having to make that decision to cut someone out of your life to me is worse than breaking up with a partner.
Girls who form close friendships have a set of unwritten rules and boundaries, they are there...and we know them.  Sometimes things happen, mistakes are made...sometimes you just can't look at that person in the same way again and the endless hours of support and comfort, good times, the laughs and the problems shared all seem like a huge waste of time and bitterness sets in.
The hurt i have felt from being betrayed by a friend has always been far worse than anything else.
But sometimes the trust is gone and you need to move on.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Dark Places

I have always had a grotesque fascination with the morbid & macabre.
I explored an interesting place today to look around. Ive been feeling quite emotional and dark for the past few days, so i tend to shut myself into my little place and think about things.  At the end of the day no one can look after yourself the way that you can.  When i feel scared i find comfort in music, poetry and books, to lose yourself in someone else's creativity is the best therapy.

Books By Candle Light

The Spooky Tall House

Eerily Lit Residence 

Monday 10 September 2012

Sadness Pt Two

see the storm is broken
in the middle of the night
nothing left here for me
it's washed away
the rain pushes
the buildings aside
the sky turns black
the sky
wash it far
push it out to sea
there's nothing left here
for me
i watch it lift up to the sky
i watch it crush me
and then i   die

speak to me baby
in the middle of the night
pull your mouth
close to mine
i can see the wind coming down
like black night
so speak to me
like the winds outside
it's broken up, pushing us
hear the rain fall
see the wind come to my eyes
see the storm broken
now nothing
speak to me baby
in the middle of the night
speak to me
hold your mouth to mine
'cause the sky is breaking
it's deeper than love
i know the way you feel
like the rains outside
speak to me

Moby ~ The Sky Is Broken


"Most drowning victims don't yell or wave their arms to alert someone that they are in trouble. They are in a state of shock, and are often silent."

Sunday 9 September 2012

The Dream

 He whispers to me amid my restless dreams...always.
 his breath and his words caress my skin gently, his fingertips trail endlessly across my skin as i sleep.
 my body writhing as soft sighs drift from my parted lips, my spine curving upwards and my body arches
 His lips curl up in a smile as he blows lightly on the nape of my neck, parting my hair and grazing his teeth    across the skin there, his fingertips creeping down to my stomach as a gasp sleepily and suck in my my abdomen.  He kisses down my neck and across my shoulders, i sigh and lift my knees slightly under me, my toes stretching outwards, i reach my hand around and try to find him.  He sniffs a laugh under his breath as he whispers into my ear, his nails raking gently across the skin of my chest. 
My eyes open and i see the light of the moon filtering through my curtains, the window is open and the light night breeze is blowing my pale pink muslin curtains gently, the distance i hear an owl calling...
I'm awake, my eyes open...his touch is gone. 
 I sit up and pull my knees underneath me, wrapping my arms around myself and looking around, still feeling the tingles on my body, his whispering. He is no where.
I lay back down, grabbing my thin sheet and pulling it around me, i turn onto my side and look out of the window into the clear night sky, frowning slightly, tucking my sheet under my chin, curling my knees up...

As i close my eyes i begin to drift away into sleep, sounds of music in my head, peoples voices...i hear him above them all, 'My angel' he says with a smile in his voice 'Come to me' and i smile in my dreams.
His hand takes mine and he pulls me close suddenly, up to his body and I'm looking up at him against the starry night, i can hear music...and people...dancing, talking...i try to look around, confused but he takes my face in his hand under my chin and pulls it back to look at him, smiling at me
'Eyes only on me, Angel' he says softly and we begin to dance, he pulls me close to him, his hands around my small waist, his chest pushed up against me and i look at him while we dance, slow and with ease our bodies move together, he spins me, almost lifting me from the ground for a second and then im back in his arms, swaying from side to side, my feet moving quickly on the roughly paved ground.  
 Around me i hear laughter, rejoicing and the sound of friends, my sisters voices ring out and i smile up at him with bright eyes...
'We came?' i breathed at him and he nodded with a smile, leaning down and kissing my lips gently, letting go of my waist to cup my face in his hand, sliding his fingers down and momentarily touching my collar before returning his hand to my waist, spinning me around so he is behind me, his body pressed against mine.
The cool night air breathed against my face and i layed my head back, looking up at the castle and the night sky framing it perfectly, the flames in the doorway lit the whole thing up eerily yet beautifully...i sighed as i heard the pace of the music quicken.
His lips and nose press into my neck as we dance and his lips curl into a smile as he feels me take a deep breath, his hands protectively on my hips as we move, our bodies winding together perfectly...
'Angel' he once again say close to my ear, running his hands over my arms and toying with the leather of my wrist cuffs, linking his thumbs underneath and pushing my hands close to my body as he pushes himself harder into me from behind, the low bass of his growl in my ear as his teeth nip onto the skin just below my ear....

I awoke in morning light, blinking as the harsh daylight blinded me, i reached over and pulled my curtain across with irritation, pausing for a second on the side of my bed, taking a deep breath and suddenly recalling my dream the night before. Heaving another sigh, i swung my legs back into my bad, shivering slightly...and i heard a sigh close to me which made me jump, i looked quickly beside me and saw him, his perfectly toned body, laying on his side, his dark hair all ruffled...
Laying down my eyes lit up, nibbling my finger, i reached out with my other hand and stroked his face, in turn his eyes opened, slightly at first and then after a blink...he smiles back at me, reaching out and pulling my close to him, the smell of sleep on his skin...i snuggled close to him.
'Good morning Angel' he said in a husky voice.
'Good morning master' i said softly, enjoying his warmth...


Saturday 8 September 2012

Sleep, My Friend.

I had been searching for days, endlessly trawling the hillsides and thickets, wandering through caves and dense marshland, i had left the serenity and safety of camp to go and seek him, not caring much for my safety just deciding that i needed to act on that worrisome niggle in my gut, the feeling that had been disturbing my sleep and thoughtful moments. I left the camp by morning light, there was the lightest chill in the air, just enough to make the hairs on my arms pucker my skin slightly.  I shifted silently out to the front of the cottage, dropped my rucksack on the floor and looked out onto the sun rising up over the brow of the hill.  I reached into my hair and wrapped it around my hand, pulling it into a bun and wrapping a tie around it, i sighed, knelt down next to my rucksack, securing the toggles and ropes, picked it up and slung it over my shoulder.
 I headed out of the village and took the winding path up towards the west side the of the hills.
  I stopped at the top and looked around, scanning the fields, the sun had turned them to an amazing array of yellows and pinks, they sat still and undisturbed, silent and wistful.  I narrowed my eyes, brushing away stray strands of hair from my eyes.  I wondered which way he could have gone, i could not predict his moments, his mood had been so forlorn that night, we had sat in the tavern until the night grew to morning, his head was slunk low onto the table, the smell of ale leaking from his every pore, he swayed gently and i had rubbed my hand across his hunched shoulders, holding back sympathy yet enough for him to know i was there.
 His tanned skin was dull in the bleak light of the tavern, his sandy hair was tousled as his eyes gazed over the dancing girls with disinterest, even as the curvaceous blonde had danced before him, winding her hips low, her cheeks flushed, her flaxen locks swishing around her waist, she fixed her eyes on him, looking at me with caution.  He stared at her momentarily and then his head moved in a slow nod, his eyes glazed as he put his head back down on his arms. The girl broke her attention from him and danced away.
 We sat in silence for a long time, leaning forwards i lay my face in the crook of my hands, my elbows on the wooden table, watching the shadows reflected from the fire dance across his skin. I missed his smile. He seemed so far away.
 We had walked through the lanes towards home early that morning before sunrise, my arm linked through his, my head resting on his upper arm as we walked, him stumbling with every other step, i steadied him with my small frame and the violet moon lit up the field as we walked back to the village, the flames from the fires in the near distance, the silence before the drums...we crossed the bridle path and made our way over the bridge, the gravel crunching under our feet. He stopped and swayed slightly...'I'm sorry' he muttered and i shook my head 'Don't be sorry' i said looking up at him, his large frame shadowed by the light, his blue eyes flickering against the moonshine... 'Just please don't be'
 He seemed to go into thought for the longest time, he rubbed his forehead with his fingers and nodded, swaying towards me and then backwards slightly, he uttered a tiny sniffle of laughter...looking at me for a second and then laughing again.  i tilted my head and smiled 'Something funny sir?' i asked lightly, he shook his head, placing his palms together and placing his fingertips on his lips, he lifted his brow and looked at me,
 'French girl' he said, and we both laughed for a moment before we became silent, he sighed deeply and raised his hands into the air, pulling his shoulders back and then crossing his arms across his chest.
 'I will be gone tomorrow' he said suddenly and i shook my head at him, shuffling my feet on the ground as i looked down, crossing my own arms, 'I don't want you to leave this way' i said listlessly, i heard him sigh...
 'I have to go, it's been too long' 
 'But why' i say, there was a long pause.
 'I'm tired, i need to sleep'
 'Then you need to do what is right for you my friend' and then i felt sad.
I had left him outside his house, he had turned to his door, his back to me he raised his hand in farewell and shuffled into his cottage, i watched him, my heart sinking and turned around, walking across the court yard.

The summer had ended, a glorious one it had been, it was September now, the sun was hanging low in the sky and laying a hazy blanket across everything as if preparing for the autumn. The days had been long, there had been brutalities in the village, but also the most amazing friendships had been forged.  We had rejoiced, feasted among the relics of the old monuments, we had swam, we had ran, we had loved, we had lost.
 No one had told us that past childhood we could make such memories and as the last rays of the summer sun had warmed us, we all sat huddled together under blankets around the camp fire and talked a future in new places, travel and new adventures. 
The sounds of the drums reached me in the far fields as i trudged through the undergrowth off the beaten path, i turned around for a second, shading my eyes against the sun before turning back and walking forwards at a quicker pace, through the small forests and stepping my way carefully across small brooks, wondering how far i was supposed to walk.
 I had slept uncomfortably against trees, curled up in the roots with my blanket wrapped around me, staring up at the stars at night and watching the sun rise in the morn. 
 On day two i sat beside the river, filling by bottle up and taking a long drink, the dripplets running down my chin and onto my shirt, wiping them away with the back of my hand i scanned the undergrowth and got irritated for a moment, maybe i was lost? maybe i had gone the wrong way...i had blindly left my home with no real plan and now i was stuck in this over grown forest, i lowered my head, my long hair falling off my shoulders and hanging like a curtain around my face and i sighed a breath out.  Picking up my back back i slung it across my back, pushing my hair from my face and flicking it back across my shoulders.
 It was sunset again, a new day would break in several hours, the crickets were making their incessant noise as i made my way towards the light of an opening, the undergrowth crunched and broke under my feet as i parted the long branches of a weeping willow, my other hand reached up to shade my eyes as before me was a beautiful field, its skyscraper sheaths reached up to the sky in their thousands, spreading as far as the eye could see, it glowed a brilliant hazy yellow/orange colour, fluffs rose up into the air, fire flies had already begun to buzz around the growth and in awe i stepped into the grass, pushing my way through, feeling it sway and move before me as i walked, whispering and sighing... i walked and walked, making a pathway through the wondrous gold...and then i found him.
 He was laying curled up in the grass at the far end of the field, around him a circle had been flattened, his bag pack was by his side, his bow and arrow hooked into the rope. I knelt down beside him, taking my own bag off my shoulders.  His skin glowed under the translucent light filtering through the grass, he was asleep...deeply, he looked peaceful, his brow unfurrowed.  I stroked some stray hair from his eyes and smiled at him, i knew he was safe, that was all that mattered.
Leaning down to his ear i whispered gently to him...
 'My friend...i just wanted to say good night'
 he stirred for a second without waking.  I stood up and looked own on him, picking up my bag and hauling it over my back, i left, walking through the field towards the lowering sunset..a new journey once again.    

Friday 7 September 2012

Annoying Body lights

Anyone who knows me, knows how much a fucking hate body lights. LADIES, it's not 2009 any one who has an inch of sense or style will wear those horrific inventions that make you look like some kind of glowing, highlighted beacon.  Aside from the fact that there are some of us that spend good money on good skins and your bright lights turning us into one shade not cool.

Although, observe below, myself shrouded in someone's nooby-light... i look sort of fashion artsy...

The Calm Before Many Storms

Kissy and i discovered the simple things in life can often be the most fun...we purchased a random bath tub from a little Japanese hair shop, not only was the bath tub its self adorable (Pics to follow) but it also came with two different styles of huge rubber duck to float on, one being the regular duck and the other being the Cockatiel version with its red cute cheeks and adorable tuft of hair.  So? you say...Well these little things became a stupidly fun way to kill an hour.  We rezzed them on the sim in the lake and went about trying to steer the little buggers until we came to the conclusion that they like the physics and we just bobbed around at will, getting caught up in the torrents of the lake we drifted out to the shore line where the waves grabbed us and dragged us out further to sea. 

It was truly beautiful out in ocean beyond the wild waves, we bobbed slowly for a moment or two, unseemly adrift, i spun around in the sea foam for quite a few minutes and the the current took me around the east side of the sim, spinning and bouncing and almost throwing me off into the merciless sea.  I called out to Kissy who was daydreaming at the sun setting, she managed to get her duck past the wild waves and on the brow of the horizon i saw her bouncing high in the air as she hit the surf. 

We free floated around the edge, speeding up past the village, we were laughing as we got dragged through the currents, i held onto ducks neck tightly, my hair stuck to my face from the waves splashing me and almost wanting to drag me in, Looking over at Kissy who was just as soaked through, and we just burst out laughing.  We chatted as we drifted, spinning in slow circles and getting dried by the warm evening air, we floated around past the waterfall and castle towards the lighthouse and sat watching the sun make the sea look calm and serene.

It's moments like that that make you realise that life is indeed about the calm before every storm.  We learn to appreciate these moments of pleasure, because they seldom last and there after something will often come along and bash you from your pertch. 
I indeed love these times because soon after that moment, the storm started to swirl in my sky in the distance.   

Settling on my little duck i looked out onto the sunset and wished that i could just keep floating....

Thursday 6 September 2012

The Past

Do we try and keep the memories of the past alive through music? Do we visit old places to feel what we once did? The nostalgia can sometimes take your breath away.  When i feel hurt or my new life isn't quite how it should be, i take comfort in the fact that at one time what i felt was so strong and real, beyond the blue i can feel that.  Voices, laughs, fun times, bad times and how when you look back, the present never seems to measure up to the past.  But i'm glad i came back from several dark places, each time a new chapter in my life story begins, new memories, new places, new songs...all in the hopes this time it will not become 'The Past'

Bruno Mars . Just The Way You Are

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Thoughtful Journeys

Thoughtful days and thoughtful jorneys, our lives takes us all kinds of places and we cherish the company as well as the serenity of being alone.  My travels today took me do a beautiful place, it was a place of art and beauty and i was joined by my good friend Elotte who always manages to know the best places to visit in SL. Although his mood was very melancholic we sill managed to enjoy a good part of the evening just looking around the different exhibits they had to offer. 

We were both struck by this beautiful picture of a little pink haired girl, its called 'Virgin & Child' i don't recall the artists name but this painting was carefully placed amid the array of different shrubs and flowers, close by was a ticking clock and up in the branches was a baby in the womb.  It was very thought provoking and i remained looking round the exhibit for some time.

Moving on we visited the strange kind of shacks on an abandoned isle exhibit, we ran across the shallow water that surrounds all the islands with its green, mossy bottom and up onto the sand where a lone figure of a lady stood.  We stopped by close to her but she never spoke, she seemed lost in thought somehow...not sure if she was part of the art or not.  We stopped close to a shallow part of water where this picture was taken...

The light was from the candle on my bag.

The flowers were so beautiful that had grown in thickness surrounding the old cottage, the sunlight filtered through the tress and highlighted each and every colour, it was truly lovely to see and walk through.  Once you get into the actual cottage its quite topsy turvy with one room having odd mirrors that seem to distort eveything, in the far corner is an old desk with a knocked over chair, it had all the feel of an old abandoned house, i loved it.  

'The over grown cottage garden'

'A peaceful moment to ponder'

We wondered about the artist easel on the dock of what seemed to be an overgrown greenhouse.  Inside were two rocking chairs that if you sat in it, it made you look like a crazy person rocking back and forth.  But the easel seemed odd, the pose on the chair was a very sad looking one, the artist looked lost and forgotton, his canvas is empty as if he is struggling to relay some memory gone onto was very though provoking once again, same with the while sim.  I really enjoyed it and would certainly go back and take a friend...very interesting place!