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Sunday 7 October 2012



It's been unspoken for far too long but i just want to say a big fuck-you-very-much to those from my past who screwed me over. You think by being here in my present that i am able to forgive the past? Well you are so very wrong.  There are days that i forget how you left me fight my own battle with myself, you shoved me mercilessly into a corner of my existence i never wanted to lay in alone, You smirked and rubbed your hands together at your doings and inwardly laughed, thinking i was stupid and lacked in common sense when in fact i was still busy trying to figure out exactly how i allowed someone so close when in fact they did not deserve to have me in their life.
 You see i have this issue, i tend to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, it's a trait i picked up in highschool at the point where i was starting to realise what fucktards people really are.  i blocked myself from this point of view and proceeded to only try and see the good parts of people & not the bad.
That was my downfall, infact i should have been more aware, more observant, more ruthless...You seemed to grasp that trait quite well why the hell couldn't i?
I see you now with your perfect life, your perfect friends and your perfect little sub exsistance & in all honesty? it makes me angry that you feel you deserve that. Jealous? Hmmm...i'm beyond that, its something deeper and much darker than that, bitter?  yes very...revengeful? Nope...i have the means, Oh trust blow your little shit bubble out of the window...but the thing is, I am happy with my life how it is right now & i really do not want karma to interfere with that. I have friends i can rely on, i have the best friend that a girl could have, right by my side, the way a proper sister should be, i have a man who loves me & respects me despite my flaws and impections, even on my darkest days he holds my hand and lets me talk, never judges me, never shouts or belittles me, never leaves me, just like a proper man should be.
 My friends, my family...this time its forever & i'm not letting any of them go.  Its not a love story, it's not a dream of how it should be, i never ran away from anything or anyone...they just came to me when i needed them the most.
Where were YOU? 
Do not ever tell someone you love them if you do not mean it.
Do not ever lie to the people you say you care about.
You in all fairness have made me the stronger person i am today, but don't think i'm going to thank you for that or be grateful... because i remember. You made me make bad choices, you made me hurt people i loved, i made sacrifices for you & i never ever once heard you say you were 'Sorry'
You took a loving, beautiful, smart and creative girl and screwed her life up into a tiny ball and threw it from the window, brushed off your hands and walked off.  I hate you for that, i hate you for me not being able to take the face of that girl in my hands and tell her that everything will be okay. 
All i ever wanted was the word 'sorry'
So yes past is past...all was over with a long time ago but i'm aware of what it took to get me where i am today, i changed my whole life, started over, made a fresh...some things that many people just take for granted...but for me it uprooted my whole SL, part of my RL too while i adapted.
But i made it through the other side, and here i am.

I just want to thank my best friend Cherry Chains, once again for being everything that everyone one else never was in SL...i feel truly blessed that we met that day almost 2 years ago in 'Demonic' Even though you did think i was mean for laughing at old men slipping up on banana skins.
*Raises her glass* Here's to the fucktards bitch...may they have many more days of being fake...and stuff. 

...Now where are Pringles?  


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