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Saturday 22 June 2013

Falling From Grace

Music Inspiration - Halycon ~ Ellie Goulding

When i look back over the past year i can honestly say..."What a ride"
Last summer i was in a place that i never imagined being without- those sunny, hazy days that seemed to seep into my soul and fill me with happiness and exuberance ... feeling alive is not an easy thing to feel to the point where you can honestly say "This is what all the waiting has been for"
Of course things do change, people change...move on and life just has that way of pushing you along at full speed as you grab out with both hands trying to hook your fingers into something- dragging your fingernails across the memories as they fly past you and fade into the distance- your flesh feels hot to the touch as you try to hold on...but life moves on.  everything you once thought you knew just become lost dreams.
We smile and each experience begins to make us stronger. We are tried and tested to our limits as we try to understand and make excuses...and once you are putting one foot in front of another...counting the steps and heading into a sunset that isn't familiar to you do you realise and know- that you have once again learned a lesson...and as you carry on into the unknown- it becomes more clear and only then can you begin to hold your head up and smile.

Anything could happen.

The above! yes! time has moved on and so much has happened since i last updated this blog...i want to carry on now, less of the fashion and more about my experiences within Second Life.  A good friend of mine recently sent me a link to her cute little blog and it sparked something in me.  I had cleared my profile, which at the moment still remains blank until i re-do it...why? well it was holding colossal amounts of bad blood and energy...sometimes a person needs to strip everything bare and purge, i believe its healthy.


Yes every situation.

So where am i right now? Lola is currently going through some changes.  I spent some time soul searching and i know that when the right things are meant to be they will just happen naturally  We should never push or look for things, never believe that you 'deserve' to have its your given right.  So i made a peaceful place and threw myself into music, writing and being with people who made me feel good about myself and are positive influences on me.
I know that when one door closes- another opens- which is an amazing part of life and one of the many perks.  Ive always told my friends that when they have been sad and things havn't been going to well for them and i was told that i should listen to my own advice and well- yep its true.

I'm ready to take risks and have some wild adventures again- to explore my primal side once again and be the girl i once was.  I have let far too much go, lost people i care about but i was blessed enough to find them once again when i went searching for them. My sorority as Cherry calls it ha ;)

I love you guys so much- you know who you are.
Sorry this is a little slap dash- a bit too much wine haha xx